Korea Food

Do you know "Makgeolli" ?

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Makgeolli is a traditional Korean alcoholic beverage made from grains such as sweet rice,regular rice, barley and wheat, and malt.
As Makgeolli is made by fermenting grains, the lees (Suljigemi) settle on the bottom. If you siphon off the clear liquor, it is called Cheongju.
Makgeolli is an undistilled spirit before separating out the Cheongju, which is the origin of its name, meaning ‘not distilled.’

Undistilled Makgeolli

Makgeolli is called by many names: Takju meaning ‘cloudy liquor,’ Nongju meaning ‘farmers’ liquor,’ Baekju meaning ‘white liquor,’ and Dongdongju or Bueuiju meaning ‘wine with floating grains of rice.’ The fact that it has so many names reflects its popularity among common people. Cheongju, the clear liquid which rises above the rice sediment as the wine matures, is fifteen percent alcohol, while Makgeolli is diluted to five to six percent.


Treasure Trove of Nutrients

Aside from the alcohol, the bulk of Makgeolli is pure nutrition. Other than the 80 percent water and six to seven percent alcohol, Makgeolli consists of two percent protein, 0.8 percent carbohydrates, 0.1 percent fat and ten percent dietary fiber, along with vitamins B and C, lactobacilli and yeast. It fully deserves its nickname: ‘a treasure trove of nutrients.’ One milliliter of undiluted Makgeolli contains tens of millions of lactobacilli.

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