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1000 years of Silla history

1000 years of Silla history unveiled in New York

Artifacts from the ancient Silla Kingdom (57 B.C.- A.D. 935) have captured the heart of New Yorkers.

The VIP opening ceremony for “Silla: Korea’s Golden Kingdom” was held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York on October 28. This is the first special exhibition of Silla art and artifacts in the Western world and has on display 132 precious relics, including the gilt-bronze Pensive Maitreya Bodhisattva and a wide array of golden crowns, belts and earrings.

The special exhibition is on the first floor of the museum, assuring it of a large flow of spectators. Among the guests at the opening ceremony were Metropolitan Museum Director Thomas P. Campbell, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum’s senior Asian art curator Alexandra Munroe and ARTnews’ Executive Editor Robin Cembalest, as well as over 100 journalists.

Viewers who saw the Silla artifacts said they were impressed by their beauty and refinement and by the mysterious smile of the Pensive Maitreya Bodhisattva.

“This is a must-see exhibit,” said Campbell. “It is a rare opportunity to look at the art and culture of the Silla Kingdom.”

Campbell also expressed his gratitude to the Korean government and to the National Museum of Korea for allowing these national treasures to travel abroad, particularly for their lending of the Pensive Maitreya Bodhisattva, Korea’s National Treasure No. 83.

“It is hard to believe that gold workmanship was so developed 1,500 years ago,” said Cembalest.

“This is a historic event, introducing the world to the great art of Silla,” said Munroe. “The Silla Kingdom’s artifacts are very attractive and are likely to draw many New Yorkers to the exhibit.”

The exhibition is divided into three sections. The first involves golden crowns, earrings, rings and necklaces, as well as horseback-riding earthenware, all found in Silla burial sites entombed between the 5th and 6th centuries. The second showcases the international aspects of Silla culture and features glassware from the Roman Empire and a dagger and sheath from Central Asia. The third focuses on Silla’s religious Buddhist art and includes a golden seated statue of the Buddha.

The exhibition will open to the public on November 4 and continue until February 23, 2014.

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