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SHINee’s Back – for ‘Everybody’

With fans refreshing every five minutes, SHINee finally unveiled its music video for SHINee. which is a nice present considering the official album doesn’t come out until October 14. 

As expected, SHINee delivered nothing but fascinating visuals and awesome choreography, even experimenting with new outfits and guy-liner.

G: Okay freaky.
E: I really don′t appreciate turning children into creepy things
E: It′s that much creepier..
G: Or better yet, creepy children on merry-go-arounds
E: OMG. Seriously this is so scary
G: It′s okay. SHINee′s waking up
E: This set is different.. but the same..
G: Hahaha seriously. Can’t break away from the box
E: Whoa so many facial piercings
E: Omg I wonder if Jonghyun′s piercings are real
G: So much eyeliner
E: All I see is eyeliner
E: Guyliner
G: how come Minho’s the only one without eyeliner
E: Because he′s the clean-cut one?
G: I guess...
E: They jump so high
G: I worry for their knees
E: That′s dedication
G: I like the military suits
E: Their pockets are placed in a really awkward place
E: #dirty
E: Did I just see Taemin′s abs?
G: Why yes, yes you did.
G: HAHA the choreography is SO lolzy
E: Ooh I like this ... controlling choreography
G: Yeahhhhh
E: That′s probably not the correct term
E: Puppet master?
G: Sure
E: Is.. Key′s hair.. long..?
G: Uh.....I missed it…
G: But it′s black
G: Oh Key does have long hair
G: I feel like they always experiment new things with taemin
E: Seriously he′s their little test baby
G: But abs

G: For the record, looks like Onew got dressed up too.
E: This dance is such a work out
G: Seriously, but it’s so fun
G: They like play the flute at one point
E: AbsAbs
G: And more Taemin without a shirt
E: But with a fur coat
E: Makes so much sense
E: It′s hot. annnd cool.
E: OMG that sounded like bones breaking
E: that was not a pleasant sound.
E: Jonghyun suddenly has glasses
E: Glasses are hot.
E: I am going to be so impressed with the live performances of this
E: So much singing and dancing
G: Well, SHINee always impresses with their performances
E: And they′re back to sleep
E: I′m exhausted after that and I just watched in my seat.
G: That was fantastic elastic.
G: They even waved good-bye.

Conclusion: SHINee sang Everybody like 50 million times in 4 minutes and 37 seconds, and now we can’t get it out of our heads. 

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